Photography Step Up

I’ve decided to take my photography to the next level and offer my service to people who would like some kind of photography done.
At this stage, I am happy just to put my name out there and see what happens. But, all things going well, I would like to turn this into something that generates a bit of a side income.

I don’t really know where this will take me (if anywhere), but, as the saying goes, you have to be in to win.

Please visit (and hopefully become a fan of) my Facebook photography page HERE

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7.1…… and many more

The recent earthquake in Christchurch, NZ, which was a magnitude 7.1 has made life quite difficult for people in the Canterbury area (obviously). However, I have been surprised at how prepared we were, as a whole, to deal with this natural disaster. Before dawn, on the day of the earthquake, authorities were out all through the city assessing damage and cordoning off areas which had been badly affected.

What we have experienced as a city is really a minor inconvenience compared to what it could have been if NZ didn’t have such good building standards and infrastructure. I believe this is the reason there was no loss of life with a quake which was larger than the one we saw in Haiti recently.

What we, in Christchurch, have experienced is loss of conveniences (ie electricity) and loss of the ability to drink tap water for a few days… and perhaps a few traffic jams due to road closures, but that is the worst of it. Yes, people have lost their house or workplace/business, but this pales in comparison to what could have been lost if this had happened in another country.

Everything is slowly returning to normal now. Tap water is safe to drink. People are beginning to return to work. 6 days after the event, a little normality is returning.

Our national song asks for God to defend NZ.
This, He surely did.

I have uploaded some photos that I have taken of damage around the city over the last few days. You can check them out HERE

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the post-processing age.

I have been quite vocal in the past about my dislike of post-processing, when it comes to digital photography.  This is pretty much because I have seen photographers congratulated on their skills, when it is obvious they are better at manipulating an image than they are at actually capturing it with a camera.
However, I have realised that if I am wanting to increase the standard of my final product, to the point where it can compete with others, I have no other choice than to take that step into post-processing. The only problem now is that I have to learn how to get the best results from the software I am using.

So begins my next phase in photography. Learning how to use computer software…

If anyone knows anywhere I can find good info on how to manipulate white balance etc, feel free to share.

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